Klinik Software

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Our systems are changing on November 1st. If you are unwell and have a new health problem or a health problem that has become worse, we will be using a system called Klinik to help us prioritise your care. Klinik will replace our existing system called Patchs. Approximately 300 Practices in the UK already use this system and Klinik is also a recognised digital provider for the NHS.

Our objective is to improve access to your GP practice by using Klinik to collect information on your health problem so the best possible solution can be given to you with the most appropriate person.  The system will also free up the phone lines and give patients choice of how to access the practice.

The quickest and easiest way to access your doctor is to complete a Klinik form available on our websites www.groveparksurgery.comwww.chiswickfamilydoctorspractice.com and  www.wellesleyroadsurgery.co.uk

If you are unable to complete a Klinik form, then a member of the practice team will help you to complete the form. 

All clinical requests will be reviewed by a member of the clinical team on the day of your request, and you will be contacted by a member of the team on the day to deal with your problem either by text, e mail or with an appointment.

The Klinik form asks patients a series of questions to help prioritise your request based on clinical need rather than who can call the practice first. We hope this will give patients equitable access to appointments.

Posted in Practice News